Sneeit Spot will help you change theme options, translate, manage theme menus, import demos, and update your theme without losing your configurations.
Your Blogger templates, of course, must be compatible with the extension first, so you need to ask your author to confirm before using it. And this is a Chrome extension so it will work with Chrome only.
To install it, please access
and click Add to Chrome button, then return back to your Blogger dashboard and reload it to use the extension. You can check the following video for more details.
How to use
After adding the extension to your Chrome, just reload your Blogger dashboard page and you will see a new link on top of the dashboard menu, which says “Sneeit Spot”. Click on that link to manage your theme with Sneeit Spot
For post features, you select Posts from your Blogger dashboard. And when hovering your mouse on each post in this page, you will see a tiny Sneeit icon (red) appear. Click that icon to edit your post with Sneeit Spot
Whenever you can’t see Sneeit Spot Link or Sneeit Spot Icon, just fully reload your Blogger dashboard page by pressing CTRL+R (or CMD+R on Mac)
Feature List
- All themes
- Options: show theme options/settings so you can customize your theme. If a theme has no option defines, the extension will automatically generate some options by scanning the variable in the theme.
- Update: update the theme without losing your options, widget, and other customization
- Compatible themes only
- Menus: manage theme menus by dragging, dropping, deleting, creating, and customizing menu items
- Translate: translate fixed texts in theme to your language
- Demos: import prebuilt demos for your site
- Post features
- AMP/UNAMP: apply AMP or UNAMP format for your post HTML in case your theme supports AMP feature
- SEO Checker: check and suggest you ideas about how to improve your post SEO