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Tips Collection for Making Money with Youtube Network

Make money on Youtube Network is also one of my big revenue channel. In this article, I will summary hundred tips that I see they are

Make money on Youtube Network is also one of my big revenue channel. In this article, I will summary hundred tips that I see they are useful for me at first, and hope they can help you also. This article will continue being updated day by day, so you can check it regularly.

But before making money on Youtube Network, please check my rule:

More QUALITY VIEWS, More Money
Don’t cheat, don’t fake, don’t trick viewers.

On Page Tips

Those tips are for working with data fields of each video, playlist on Youtube.


  • File name: prepare file name on your PC with keyword in name before uploading
  • Reliable: explain exactly what you want to say, viewers will trust and share your video
  • Include keyword: 1 only.
  • Attractive: honest but don’t be bore
  • Short: not longer than 70 letters, no more than 13 words
  • Include channel name: if the title is still short


  • Provide credit links: listing something you used in your video, example: song names.


  • Include channel name: this will help your videos show on related list
  • Include keywords: this will help you videos show on competitor’s related list


  • Curious: thumbnail must be from the video content, but choose the one which will make curious on searchers to let them click.
  • Same style: it’s better if all videos in a channel use same colors and decoration for thumbnail.

Video Content

  • Related with real events: always check trends and events to make a video related with them. Example: if Xmas time, make a video about Santa Claus.
  • Related with latest popular video: if you have a video which is successful with views, just follow that video type
  • Try every video type: if you have no popular video, just try all video types to find to find the best type with best views for you.
  • HD always: include highest quality as much as you can for all videos.
  • Must have good sound: audience need to hear everything clearly.
  • Let friends check before publish: they will say what thing is really not useful in your video
  • Short is good, humor is better, simple is the best: audience have no much time for relaxing themselves and understanding your video.
  • Unique: also good if stupid, but nobody did it.
  • Focus on topic: don’t say something not related with main purpose of the video
  • Don’t be static: even you are explaining about software screen, please move your mouse around to let audience feel that you are “alive”
  • Ask questions to audience: may be have negative feedback, but that’s good for traffic.
  • Must have brand overlay: insert your site URL or brand logo as overlay to prevent re-uploading
  • Place stuff along the bottom: captions, logo, overlay, etc…
  • Great videos don’t need to be edited much: if everything is ready to publish or you just need to modify some small stuff, your video is really quality.
  • Happy ending: make subscribe button or content bulletin at the end, related videos, … Don’t waste last seconds.


  • Link to related content: your related video, your website, …
  • Link to a part of your video: if you want to skip the content in some cases.

Subtitle and CC

  • At least 1 subtitle for 1 language: people can re-up your video but can not steal your cc.
  • Add lyrics: if your video is a song.

Off Page Tips

Those tips are for marketing, ideas, workflow and other things out side of video themselves.

Branding, SEO & Marketing

  • Connect with your Twitter and Facebook: access Account Settings / Connected Accounts and make sure you connected to all major social networks
  • Input channel keywords: Access CHANNEL / Advanced and make sure you input right channel keywords and country.
  • Schedule publishing: upload video regularly with stable gap, give people something to look forward to.
  • Connect to related communities: put your video link any where people need to watch that kind of content (reply comment, answer questions, ….)
  • Make GIF and promote some where: try this https://gifs.com/, then sharing and audience must visit your video if they want to watch the full version
  • Share and embed everywhere: special in your own blog, but make sure they are relevant.
  • Post a Video Responsive: on your competitor’s and yourself videos.
  • Link all your channels together: like, subscribe, show activities, add to favorite, use a common key words … together internal between your own channels.
  • Make friendship: with all other useful creators. If you are truly interested with someone’s videos, they will also share your works.
  • Finish all information for your profile: logo, banner, bio, watermark, features, … anything Youtube provides to you to input for your profile and channel.
  • Reply comments: special for loyal fans.
  • Good to be shared: make 10 good videos before promoting your channel around


  • Parody of a pop song
Useful Links
To Be Continued …
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