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4 Things Every Blogger Should Know to SEO Articles

Optimize each content page is always the most important goal to improve the ranking of blog after Google updated their algorithm regularly.

Optimize each content page is always the most important goal to improve the ranking of blog after Google updated their algorithm regularly. It means that if you are a blogger, each of your posts on the blog must be optimized maximally (even manually) to improve the ranking on a search engine for your site.

I don’t mention about how to write a rational and quality post, because it is a personal choice and style. You can write what you like as long as that readers understand what you convey. But a quality article is not only good because its content but also must be fully optimized to create the most favorable conditions for the search engine bots to index and evaluate through the use of appropriate keywords and optimization. After I learned much experience from writing for my blog, I would like to introduce to you 4 things to do when writing to SEO articles better for improving the ranking.

1. Understand what you will write

The main goal of an article is providing useful information to readers. So before “touching the keyboard” to write whatever something, you should spend about a certain amount of time to consider what you will write about, what value you will provide to readers, those who need to see it and most important thing is: will it match the current trend or not?

We (bloggers) sometimes make a common mistake that we focused too much on creating content to serve the reader, but not really to spend maximum time to care little that readers actually like to read it or not. An article called quality when it has fully expressed and depth content, provide exactly what you want to tell to the reader, and it must be supported by many people – I mean that many people like it. Below are some 5 content trends can lead interested readers:

  1. Writing guides – detailed tutorials on a particular topic.
  2. Writing about the events that may be controversial. This way is a bit dangerous but very effective.
  3. Make a collection, example: “5 tips for SEO content”, “10 best dishes for summer”, …
  4. Rewriting and add details to the news which is hot in the world or your niche.
  5. Review a person, talk about other’s posts, or decry some thing.

There are some in these 5 trends may not good for SEO, but it can make your readers interested. So if you want Google attend your site, you must focus into entertain your audience first.

2. Focus into increasing traffic first

If you set a goal that you blog must go to the top of search results, and when you receive visitors from search engines that means success. But in the process of SEO, you should not wait for the visitors come from search engines. Instead, you must be looking for ways to increase traffic immediately in the early days of deploying the blog, it is extremely beneficial in assessing your website ranking on search engines.

Return visitors are very important when doing SEO and that is one of reasons why some website not good in optimization but still achieve high rankings after Google algorithm Panda updated. That is thanks quality contents which encourage visitors visit your website regularly. If you want to find a return visitor yourself, take time to post to social networks and screaming out loud to your friends to read. Of course, if they like your content then you have immediately an extremely valuable return visitor.

There is some opinions that traffic from the social networks is not really stable, but if you do regular work of posting valuable articles out there, you will get a lot of return visitors. Why? suppose your Facebook account has 500 friends, when you post something, you will have 50 people (10%) who have habit of clicking on your links, and of course when you submit your article 2nd, 3rd, then they will also click to view, such as Return Visitor. No matter if they like the articles from you or not, they will monitor everything you uploaded. Is this stable, huh?

3. Use a correct keyword with appropriate density

-Use a correct keyword with appropriate density

Keywords are the core of SEO and SEO means a method that extracts keywords effectively. So if you want your articles get high rankings on search engines, then you must realize right about the importance of keywords in this article.

An accurate keyword means it must describe your article content exactly. Keywords are not necessary long or short, as long as it suits your purpose. According to my experience, you should not use generic short keywords such “cooking”, “blog”, “sales” .etc…, please use a keyword phrase describes accurately your ideas, ex: “how to cook Vietnamese Pho”, “guide to blogging and make money”, “online selling skills”.etc…

Because based on some research which shows that the experience of using Google for all the internet users around the world have increased, and they were no longer using search methods with the only generic keywords, now they focused on the right keyword phrases for their purposes.

Let’s talk about keyword density, first, I need to show the formula to calculate the keyword density as below:

Keyword Density = (NKR/TKN)*100
  • NKR: The number of repetitions of a keyword
  • TKN: total number of words in the article content

For example, if we have a post with 2,500 words, a keyword repeats 15 times, then our key word density is (15/2500) * 100 = 0.6%. There are also many other complex ways for calculating keyword density which can be used in many different circumstances, I only would like to refer the most basic one.

But don’t abuse keyword density. So how much keyword density for a reasonable article is appropriate? I know there are many people advised to put the keyword density at around 3-5% but according to my experience, do so from 1% – 3% only if or you will get the risk of be blacklisted by Google.

4. Optimization your title and description

Title is considered as “the face” of your article on search engines when it displays in the search results pages. If the title of your post is written very attractive, there will be countless people click your link when they see it. On the other hand, it is also the main features to help the search engines determine the content of the article and compare the correlation of it. So if you want your results display in the first page of search engines, you must optimized your article title well.

Actually, I wrote an article about this, you can take a look: 3 Steps to Optimize Article Titles for More Traffic. I can summarize that your title must contain a focus keyword from your article content, the title must be shorter than 70 characters (65 is better) and the most importance is helping searchers understanding it (why they need to click it), also place keyword at the beginning of your title.

The most important thing after title is description. Description is used to describe more about the content which was showed in the title in search result, so searchers can understand more additional information about the limited 70 character of title. Usually, I always summarize my article content in my description and include some important keywords in it. Example: illustration

Detailed WordPress blog installation instructions using hosting cPanelX with figures and how to optimize your WordPress blog.

In my experience, if we optimized the title well, but can not describe the content of the blog clearly, then we should describe that content in descriptions, not necessarily insert important keywords. Your title must also not longer than 160 (140 is better).

Publish or delete your draft posts?

After you have done all the work above, and now you must have a perfect article, so you should decide whether to publish it to your blog to serve the readers who are eagerly waiting for each post you publish or or accept throwing it in the trash.

Why should we choose throwing posts here?

Nobody wants remove a done article because it’s all your hard work and dedication when planning to write that article. Posting continuity is a good way to maintain traffic for blog or competing for new ideas to upgrade high ranking for popular keywords. But the question here is whether your article worth for publishing or if it just makes the reader disappointed in their expectations. If you are used to give readers a hot and fresh information, you should not repost old topics again or publish unrelated things on your site.


We just learned about the ideas to SEO articles for bloggers, so summary, when writing, if you want to achieve high ranking for your articles on search engines, your article must archive the following conditions:

  • Attractive Content, many people search.
  • Focus increased traffic first, SEO later.
  • Use appropriate keyword density.
  • Optimized title and descriptions.

Just share your stories after applied those tips for your blogging career, all we love to hear those stories.

By the way, searching for the job as a blogger? Try here!

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