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Discussions on ShotMag – Minimalist Blogger Template for Photoblog

We have 247 Discussions on ShotMag – Minimalist Blogger Template for Photoblog

  • Hi

    Here's my blog address - www.mobographer.blogspot.in/

    Please help me achieve the following :

    1. 1. I want to use more space on my homepage if possible(by deleting the spaces in the red boxes) so that the content in the middle has more space and clarity for the viewer


    2. In my blog posts, I have very less space for my blog content. Kindly tell me how to delete the area in the red boxes for all the blog posts so that the content in the middle can be larger and more clear to the viewer


    Any help will be greatly appreciated Sneeit :)

  • I use SpotSettings to change to display more than 3 posts on the main page (portfolio area).
    For example 7 posts (portfolio area) in the home, yes OK! it is possible


    If the template is installed in the blog with 50 entries (50 posts); on the main page it shows me only 3 in portfolio area
    (perfect! 3 is perfect view on the main page in portfolio area)...
    BUT there's not a button to go to the 47 entries remaining...the visitor is not aware of the other 47 entries

    Could it be possible to have a bar at the bottom of the main page to go through older articles ??


    (This question several people have made in the last two years but there is no clear answer)

    Thanks! Andrés

    • How many post do you have?

      • 32 posts.... Initially 32 entries but the idea is to keep growing

        • At this time the template has no pagination because its purpose is for simple portfolio site. For complicated site, please consider this: https://themeforest.net/item/magone-responsive-news-magazine-blogger-template/12016203

          • Ah OK I understand. You do very good jobs with Blogger, congratulations.
            You should consider making a new template based on ShotMag ... (SHOTMAG RELOADED) ...
            This template is very nice and can also be adapted to a traditional website (not blog)
            Example: http://www.clinicasaludoralbarranquilla.blogspot.com

            But it is more interesting if the traditional website has a simple feature blog to publish articles and these will be displayed in the portfolio section (3 items) but with the navigation bar to go to old items.

            Obviously for those who just want a blog, (traditional blog) this template would also be an ideal but with the function of scroll through old articles.

            Greetings from Colombia

            • Thank you. Your idea is really nice. I will improve all my templates soon but not this year because I am on the task of redesign my old WordPress themes. Thanks again.

  • Sunny

    Hi Tien,I just download your template "ShotMag" and I got the html "How to customize the template",but I can't read it, can you help me?
    Then I can't see the slider on my mobile,is the code or another questions?
    Please help me,thank you!
    my blogger url: http://sunnnnnnnnnny.blogspot.tw/

  • Saumendra Swain

    my blogspot url is http://old.palashudyog.com/

  • Saumendra Swain

    Hi Tien. I'm trying to manage your classy template, however there is something I don't get : on your page we can see the main image and under it three little images/articles for HoChiMinh, Hue City, etc... I added the code to my blog on Blogger : i have the big slider ok, but under it, no place for the tree (or more) articles. What am I missing ?

  • Guilherme Bruschi

    The template is beautiful but I'm having a lot of problems trying to customize it. Like: where is the code of posts? Don't have any place with image, title and body of posts together, it's hard to find, man.

  • Andrés Camargo Salcedo

    Hi Tiene. Nice template, congratulations. It is displayed well on desktop computers ( Win, Mac ) , also well on mobile devices ( ios, android) but has display problems broken boot pictures (the slider in the home) in phones with windows phone - nokia, microsoft, blu -. If you have a chance to review ?

  • Stanislava E.

    Ok, sorry for bothering you and thanks!

  • Tien Nguyen

    So sorry, I am so busy at this time. I will fix in next version of template.

    • Hi Tien,
      I see you are busy but I wonder if you could help me with the javascript in this template? I want to enable the previous/next controls.
      many thanks

  • Stanislava E.

    Hi Tien. Can you help me or not, please?

  • Tien Nguyen

    Hello. You must read "Common Template Tutorials for Beginners" list (in the tutorial above) which will provide links to SpotSetting and SpotLingo, two tools will help you change template settings (included number of posts) and translate template (texts).

    Other features out of demo are not available in this template. Thanks.

  • Robby DeGraff

    Hey Tien - I've got a few questions on your template. I've set it up on my travel blog and it looks great, thanks for the how-to and also thanks for designing such a wonderful template. http://www.robbyaroundtheworld.us/

    -How can I have more than three, past posts show on my blog's main page at the bottom? (is there also a way to change view project to say "read post"?)

    -if you go here or to any post http://www.robbyaroundtheworld.us/2016/01/op-ed-6-tips-to-survive-layover.html, how can I get the subscribe, search and also a list of my past posts to show on the main page of my blog?

    Thanks much! I'm at [email protected] and on G+

  • Stanislava E.

    Any suggestions how can I fix that?

  • Stanislava E.

    Hi, I double checked and I am using the latest version. However, the problem still persists.

  • Tien Nguyen

    Please make sure you are using latest version.

  • Stanislava E.

    Hi Tien. Sorry to bother you again! Could you please advise how can make so that there are 3 posts per row visible on the portfolio? At the moment posts are chaotic and there are blank space between them. Here's my URL:

    Thank you in advance!

  • Stanislava E.

    Found it. Every one, if you are wondering how to make your photos bigger inside the post, here's the way. Find .post .post-body img { then change the width and height percentages to the size you want. It will look like this:

    .post .post-body img {
    display: inline;
    }.post-body img {
    display: block;
    }.post-body img {

  • Tien Nguyen

    Insert an image, click on it, you will see a bar under the image, then choosing the size you want.

  • Stanislava E.

    Images inside the posts :)

  • Tien Nguyen

    What image that you want to change size?

  • Stanislava E.

    Hi! Last one, I promise! Why am I not able to change image size? Thanks in advance!

  • Stanislava E.

    Awesome! And is it possible to add "Older posts" on the main page?

  • Tien Nguyen

    Yes, of course. You must use SpotSettings to change.

  • Stanislava E.

    Hello! Is it possible to display more than 3 posts on the main page?

  • Stanislava E.

    Hi there! That's an awesome template, and I'd love to use it on my blog. I have a prob though. After the code is pasted, on preview I see only 1 photo from "about". Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

  • Tien Nguyen

    But, it's already provided.

  • Kumar SS

    can this template provide slider for mobile?

  • Anita Isabel Mercedes Paredes


  • Andrés Camargo Salcedo

    Hi, excellent staff, congratulations. I'm using an electronic translator, first forgive if my English is read incorrectly. I see that this template (shotmag) was created in May 2014 and I'm getting the code to my blog in October 2015. I wonder. The code I'm copying in October 2015, is up to date or should I copy the code and make the process of updating. My question is why watching people's comments where he said about a problem; the answer in some cases is "...that please update the template". Then I do not know if the code I'm using in October 2015 date?

  • Tien Nguyen

    Hi Posa. This template is free and you can follow all my above instruction to make it work with your site.

    $9 is only optional just in case you need my help to solve your bugs, or you don't know how to make the template work or any thing you need to support about the template on your site.

  • Posa Design

    Hi Tien,

    Good day.
    Since i got several questions, I was wondering if the $9 is an ad or i can really buy it for your template.
    Please kindly let me know about it, thank you.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    yours sincerely,
    Jill Kuo

  • Posa Design

    Dear Tien,
    Thank you so much for your help. It's working now!
    Thank you again. ^______^

  • Tien Nguyen

    Hi. You can add below css into Advance Css:
    div#logo {
    clear: both;
    width: 100%;
    float: none;
    text-align: center;

    About advance css: http://www.sneeit.com/2014/05/add-custom-css-into-blogger-template.html

  • Posa Design

    Hi Tien,

    Thank you so much for sharing the great template with us. I have to say that CSS is really difficult to me, i've spent 2 days to find out how to center the logo image, could you kindly show me how to do it? I've seen one website http://www.annabalechojourneys.com/, which is exactly what i want, but i couldnt find the answer, please help me with it, thank you so much.
    Btw, this is my blogger www.posadesign.com


    Hi Tien! Amazing template, great job! Just one question: how can I set all the image posts in the home page to be the same size and to avoid this to happen:


    Thanks a lot!

  • Adrian Fleur

    Hello Tien, and thank you for a fantastic template. I am also having the same problem as a few people commenting here. I would like to make my post body bigger but the only code I can find is:

    .post-body {
    margin-bottom: 2em!important;

    I would really like to make my blog posts wider to display larger photos.

    Please could you offer me some advice?


    That's a real cool tempplate...
    So far, things are going fine. But, if you try to custom the SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS, only the TWITTER icon is shown. Its no big deal but, sometimes it could be a problem to other people.

    Nice job anyway!

  • Ollies R Inkiriwang

    done for Logo. thank you so much

  • Fitra Rahim

    Wow Is amazing Template, nice thanks you for sharing

  • Tien Nguyen

    Hi. You did not follow my article guide.

  • Neil Mugas

    Hi Tien. i tried your template. weird. its totally different from what you have. there is no slider at all.


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