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3 Factors and 4 Tips to Improve Domain Authority

Domain Authority is a rating index start from 0 to 100 for all domain names based on more than 150 factors which are analyzed from rankings

Domain Authority is a rating index start from 0 to 100 for all domain names based on more than 150 factors which are analyzed from rankings on Google.This is a measure to assess the quality of a domain and was published by SEOmoz community.

If your Domain Authority index is hight that means that you are doing SEO as right direction, and naturally. Of course, try to increase this index is also a way to optimize your SEO campaign. But how to optimize it when it is calculated based on more than 150 different factors?

We can not optimize all those 150 factors (including the main factors and sub-factors around), so we will just focus on three important factors which affect most of other factors in Domain Authority index. What are they?

3 Main Factors in Domain Authority Index

1) Domain Age

Too easy to understand, domain age means the time from the initialized date of website to the current time. Higher domain age, higher search engine trusted points. There is a “myth” that if you start a new website with a 5 years old domain, the website do not need to undergo a strict “quarantine” period of Google (was usually called Google Sandbox).

Of course, the older the domain, the more positive impact to the Domain Authority.

2) Domain Popularity

It’s simple, more backlinks your domain got, higher domain popularity level. Before think about the pressure job in building backlink, just think like this: if your blog has useful content and a lot of people like (or they are fans), then maybe they will introduce it on other websites, blogs or social networks. So your domain will become popular with many people, right?

But domain popularity does not mean that you have to spam as many backlinks as possible. I am not sure what will be used by Google to identify where are the natural backlinks (because your readers are self-promotion or other person referred to) and what are “unnatural” backlinks (posted by you on other websites). But I think only the domain with the actually natural backlink will impact on domain popularity. If you overdo backlink building tips, then sooner or later, you will get into trouble.

3) Domain Size

we can understand size of your domain is the number of pages from your website which were indexed by Google (and other search engines). More pages were index, higher domain size and better Domain Authority.

Another element, if you have many links pointing to your site (inbound links), it is better for domain size. But want to have more inbound links and indexed pages, nothing other than creating compelling, quality and diversity content.

5 Tips to Improve Domain Authority?

Seem the backlink building job is quite boring when we have to do it again and again, but to improve the Domain Authority, the most important factor is still quality backlink. And here are some safest ways that you can refer to increases Domain Authority.

1) Guest Blogging – Symbiotic

The word “symbiosis” means we must “live” on other site like home, right?! And if you want to optimize Domain Authority, at first, find a suitable blog for writing your post, then ask “host” for you to contribute by writing to keep the heat of their blog. In return, they must allow you to insert dofollow backlinks pointing to your own website, as two mutually beneficial.

2) Using Social Bookmarking

Whether Social Networking or Social Bookmarking is still also beneficial for SEO. In fact, if you have a few satellite blogs which have good rating on Blogspot, WordPress or Tumblr, that would be helpful in maintaining the quality backlink for you main site.

If you have time, do not hesitate to try to build some kind blog on those blogging services and try “cooking” your own posts again and then insert the backlink pointing to your main website, you will see that affect immediately.

Also do not forget to use Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to post links to theme, it will benefit more than you thought.

3) Join the Forums

This way is too popular already, just join some forums that you like (which allow to insert links in the signature or posts) and participate in discussions with people there.

If normal, every discussion you will have 1 backlink pointing on site. But in lucky day, if you get a favorite topic, you will have the opportunity to have a lot of backlinks to your website.

4) Building good internal links

Probably you will be wondering why Domain Authority primarily be impacted by external factors but why mention something about construct internal links here?

Actually, it is a bit irrelevant for, but in fact, we have a relevant factor, it is Page Authority. Page Authority also impacts Domain Authority. Page Authority is impacted by on three below elements:

  1. Internal links.
  2. Number of backlinks pointing to.
  3. Keyword density.

Internal links impact greatly on Page Authority, not backlinks. You can imagine as following:

Optimize your internal links -> Improve Page Authority -> Affect on Domain Authority.

5) Update content regularly

This may be a formal conclusion, but as my personal experience, some famous bloggers have no time to build backlink (off-page SEO) so they only focus to on-page SEO and keep updating their website regularly.

How to check Domain Authority?


It’s very simple, just access OpenSiteExplorer tool, then input your domain and press Search. Now, just share your Domain Authority in comment section, we will learn something together.

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Higher Search Rank: Not Quantity But Quality Backlinks