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Discussions on SpotCommerce – Template Documentation / 829103
We have 19 Discussions on SpotCommerce – Template Documentation / 829103
We have 19 Discussions on SpotCommerce – Template Documentation / 829103
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what is verify code geranter
pls if how do I stop thee slider from showing on my mobile
Hi. For support problem, please send to
Hi Tiến,
This is the best template I have ever seen. However, could you please tell me how to hide/remove "add to cart"? I don't need it right now.
Chào bạn. Câu hỏi hỗ trợ vui lòng gửi về:
Chào bạn. Câu hỏi hỗ trợ vui lòng gửi về:
Hi Tiến,
Mình đang sử dụng theme bên bạn, cho mình hỏi, khi sử dụng, mình thấy xuất hiện nhiều thẻ h2, sau khi mình vào code chỉnh bỏ thẻ h2 đi, nhưng vẫn còn 31 thẻ h2 trong site. Không biết đặt tại đâu. Mong giúp đỡ. Thanks
Site mình:
anh Tien Nguyen cho em hỏi là khi đặt hàng xong rồi, thông tin dơn hàng được gủi đi đâu vậy? sửa ở chổ nào vậy anh? với phần liên hệ nữa
Hi. This is unlimited number of items but still not support size and color.
Hello, I wonder if the number of items is unlimited and if in the same post can offer variants such as size or color.Gracias.
Chào bạn, các câu hỏi hỗ trợ, bạn vui lòng gửi vào: Cảm ơn.
Chào Tiến ! Cho mình hỏi nếu muốn thay đổi đơn vị tiền tệ ra sau số thì làm thế nào nhỉ ? vì dụ: mặc định là đ200.000 , mình muốn đổi thành 200.000 đ. Cảm ơn .
Dear. Any support question please submit to:
This comment section is for pre-sale questions. Thanks.
Dear Tien, How we can change currency $ to RM
please your advice
Dear. This is important notification for me, so can you provide a link of an European shop for example? Thank you very much.
Hi Tien, my impression is you're not quite understanding my request. If you intend to satisfy customers in the EU you will need to know, that we have to follow some rules for ecommerce here. Say: we have to show the taxes and delivery costs the moment a product is displayed and at checkout. So it's not a custom wish of mine but simply something European shops have to fullfill.
Dear. We have not shipping tax for country, but we will find a way to apply that. You must purchase 1 regular license if you want to run for test blog. Thank you.
Looks good! Can there be a variable for VAT (need 2) and at least one for delivery costs - best depending on country - to show up with product price and at the checkout? Possible to run a test shop? Thx!
Good tutorials