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Documentation for JavaScript ES6 Tutorial

We have a very detail documentation for JavaScript ES6 Tutorial with 12 sections, 8 sub sections, 31 paragraphs and 3637 words

Let & Const

To declare variables which are only available in a scope {}.

var x = 10;
if (condition) {
  let x = 2; // Here x is 2
// Here x is 10

The let will also declare a new variable in each loop iteration:

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { setTimeout(function () { console.log(i); }, 1000); } 
// 5 5 5 5 5 every second 
// because i is a global variable and it is 5 when the callback function executes

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { setTimeout(function () { console.log(i); }, 1000); }
// 1 2 3 4 5 every second 
// because we have 5 separate local variables named i for each callback function in each loop

Let variables will not be properties of window object.

Const is similar to let, but the value can not be changed.

const a = function(x) {return x*x;}

For of

To loop over iterable data structures such as Arrays, Strings, Maps, NodeLists, ...

let text = "";

for (let x of 'Hello') {
    text += x + " ";
// 'H e l l o'


In ES6, functions can be defined in short ways (arrow functions):

// 1. No parameter
const x = () => 'Hello'; // == function x() {return 'Hello';}

// 2. Single parameter
const x = a => a * a; // == function x(a) {return a * a;}

// 3. Multiple parameters
const x = (a, b) => a * b; // == function x(a, b) {return a * b;}

// 4. Statement inside function
const x = a => { console.log('square'); return a * a };

Arrow functions have no their own this so they are not suited for defining objects.

Functions in ES6 can have a default value for their parameters

const f = (a, b = 10) => a * b;
f(2); // 20
f(2,30); // 60

You can also use (...) to allow a function to treat an indefinite number of arguments as an array:

function sum(...nums) {
  let sum = 0;
  for (let num of nums) sum += num;
  return sum;

let x = sum(491625291006677); // 326


Symbol is a datatype which will return a unique "hidden" value.

let a = Symbol();
let b = Symbol();

console.log(a, b); // Symbol() Symbol() (because they are hidden)
console.log(a == b); // false (because they are unique)


You can use .include() method of String to check if a string has a sub string in it

"Hello world, welcome to the universe".includes("world");  // Returns true

You can use .startsWith() and .endsWith() method of String to check if a string starts or ends with a specific string

"Hello world, welcome to the universe".startsWith("Hello");  // Returns true

"Hello world, welcome to the universe".endsWith("Hello");  // Returns false


You can use Array.from() to create an array from an iterable object

Array.from("ABCDEFG");  // Returns [A,B,C,D,E,F,G]

To create the array of keys of an array, use .keys() method.

const fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];
const keys = fruits.keys();
let text = "";

for (let x of keys) {
  text += x + " ";
// '0 1 2 3 '

To find a value in an array, use .find() to return the occurred value and .findIndex() to return the index of the occurred value.

const nums = [49162529];
let first = nums.find((value, index, array) => value > 18); // 25
let firstIndex = nums.findIndex((value, index, array) => value > 18); // 3


ES6 added some new properties and methods to the Number object, as well as new global number methods:

Number.EPSILON;          // 2.220446049250313e-16
Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; // -9007199254740991
Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; // 9007199254740991

// check if a value is integer
Number.isInteger(10);       // true
Number.isInteger(10.5);     // false
Number.isInteger('10');     // false

// check if a value is out range of safe integer.
Number.isSafeInteger(10);                    // returns true
Number.isSafeInteger(12345678901234567890);  // returns false 

// check if a value is infinity or NaN
isFinite(10/0);      // false
isFinite(10/1);      // true
isFinite('1.5');     // true

// check if a value is not a number 
isNaN("Hello");      // true, it's not a number
isNaN("1.5");        // false, it's a number
isNaN(1.48);         // false, it's a number


ES6 added some new methods to the Math object:

// .trunc(x) returns the integer part of x
Math.trunc(4.5); // 4
Math.trunc(-4.5); // -4

// .sign(x) return the status of x
Math.sign(33); // 1
Math.sign(-33); // -1
Math.sign(0); // 0
Math.sign('0'); // 0
Math.sign(''); // 0
Math.sign(null); // 0
Math.sign(undefined); // NaN

// .cbrt(x) return the cube root of x
Math.cbrt(8); // 2

// .log2(x) and .log10(x) return the base 2 and 10 logarithm of x
Math.log2(2); // 1
Math.log10(10); // 1


To define a template for objects. constructor is the default function which will execute when a new object is declared.

class Car {
  constructor(name, speed) {
    this.name = name;
    this.speed = speed;
  travelTime(distance) {
     return distance/this.speed;

let my_car = new Car('Ford', 150); // Car {name: 'ford', speed: 150}
my_car.travelTime(300); // 2 hours

You can use instanceof to compare the type of an object with a class

console.log(my_car instanceof Car); // true
console.log(my_car instanceof Object); // true


Map is an iterable object where the keys can be any datatype.


const john = {name: 'John Doe'}, 
      lily = {name: 'Lily Bush'}, 
      peter = {name: 'Peter Drucker'};

// pass an array or using set() method
const users = new Map([ 
  [john, 'admin'], 
  [lily, 'editor'], 
  [peter, 'subscriber']

Methods and Properties

  • clear() – removes all elements
  • delete(key) – removes an element specified by the key. Returns true if the element is exist, otherwise, returns false.
  • entries() – returns a new iterator that contains an array of [key, value] for each element. The order is the same as the insertion order.
    for (let [key, value] of users.entries()) {
     console.log(`${key.name}: ${value}`); 
    // John Doe: admin 
    // Lily Bush: editor 
    // Peter Drucker: subscriber
    // or you can convert entries to an array using ... (spread operand)
    var roles = [...users.entries()]; // [ Array, Array, Array ]
  • forEach(callback[, thisArg]) – invokes a callback for each key-value pair in the map in the insertion order. The optional thisArg parameter sets the this value for each callback.
    users.forEach((key, value) => console.log(`${key.name}: ${value}`) );
    // John Doe: admin 
    // Lily Bush: editor 
    // Peter Drucker: subscriber
  • get(key) – returns the value associated with the key. Returns undefined if the key is not exist
  • has(key) – returns true if a value associated with the key exists, otherwise, returns false.
  • keys() – returns a new iterator that contains the keys in insertion order.
    for (let user of users.keys()) { 
    // John Doe 
    // Lily Bush 
    // Peter Drucker
    // or you can convert keys to an array using ...
    var keys = [...users.keys()];
    [{ name: 'John Doe' },
     { name: 'Lily Bush' },
     { name: 'Peter Drucker' }
    ] */
  • set(key, value) – sets the value for a key or add a new element (returns the map object itself so other methods can be chained)
    let alex = {name: 'Alex Fig'};
    users.set(alex, 'Reader').set(lily, 'Supporter');
  • values() - returns a new iterator that contains values in insertion order.
    for (let role of users.values()) {
    // admin 
    // editor 
    // subscriber
    // or you can convert values to an array using ...
    var roles = [...users.values()];
    // [ 'admin', 'editor', 'subscriber' ]
  • size- the number of elements


Set is an iterable object where the values are unique


// pass an array or using add() method
let chars = new Set(['a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c']); // result in 3 elements 'a', 'b', 'c' because they are unique

// for of
for (let value of chars) { console.log(value); } // a b c

Methods and Properties

  • add(value) – appends a new element with a specified value to the set (returns the set object itself so other methods can be chained)
  • clear()  – removes all elements
  • delete(value) – deletes an element specified by the value.
  • entries()– returns a new iterator that contains an array of  [value, value]
    for (let [key, value] of chars.entries()) { console.log(key, value); }
    // a a
    // b b
    // c c
    // you can use spread operand to convert to an array as MAP
  • forEach(callback [, thisArg]) – invokes a callback on each element of the Set with the this value sets to thisArg in each call.
    chars.forEach(value => console.log(value));
    // a b c
  • has(value) – returns true if an element with a given value is in the set, or false if it is not.
  • values() = keys()– returns a new iterator with all values
  • size – the number of elements


Declare and Use

Promise is an object that has state and result value, and it works asynchronously.

function makePromise(completed, time) {

  // the fulfilled and rejected functions are conventional, you don't need to define them
  // you can use any name for the functions
  return new Promise(function (fulfilled, rejected) {
    setTimeout(() => {
      if (completed) {
        fulfilled("Succeed"); // Can be any data type
      } else {
        rejected("Fail"); // Can be any data type 
    }, time);

// when declare, good_promise will immediately have 
// promiseState = 'pending'
// promiseResult = undefined
let good_promise = makePromise(true, 3000); 

// after 3 seconds, will send out the value = "Succeed"
// promiseState = 'fulfilled' 
// promiseResult = 'Succeed' 
  successValue => console.log(successValue), 
  failValue => console.log(failValue)
// do a bad promise
let bad_promise = makePromise(false, 3000);

// after 3 seconds
// will throw an error with message = "Fail" 
// and send out the value = "Fail"
// promiseState = 'rejected'
// promiseResult = 'Fail'
  successValue => console.log(successValue), 
  failValue => console.log(failValue)

You can use then() to only catch the successValue, whereas, you can use catch() to only catch the failValue and use finally() to do things at the end of the whole process (no matter the result is)

  .then(success => console.log(success))
  .catch(fail => console.log(fail)) 
  .finally(() => {console.log('Finished');});


You can call then() consecutively and the return value from previous then() will be passed as the parameter of the next then(). You can return any data type in then(), even a new promise if you wish.

function showMessage(message, time) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {resolve(message);}, time);

console.log('You have 3 seconds to prepare');
showMessage('3 + 5 = __ ? Please think in 5 second', 3000)
  .then((result) => {
    return showMessage('You have 3 seconds to answer', 5000);
  .then((result) => {
    return showMessage('The answer is 8. Please double check', 3000);
  .then((result) => {

You have 3 seconds to prepare
3 + 5 = __ ? Please think in 5 second
You have 3 seconds to answer
The answer is 8. Please double check

All method

You can use the all() method of Promise to combine results from many promises as a new result.

const num = x => new Promise(f => f(x))

Promise.all([num(10), num(20), num(30)])
  .then(results => {
    const total = results.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current);
    console.log(`Results: ${results}`); console.log(`Total: ${total}`); }) ; // Results: 10,20,30 // Total: 60 

Race method

You can use race() method of Promise to catch the first resolved promise from an array of promises

const p1 = new Promise(resolve => {
  setTimeout(() => { resolve(10); }, 1000);
const p2 = new Promise(resolve => {
  setTimeout(() => { resolve(20); }, 2000);

Promise.race([p1, p2]).then(value => console.log(`Resolved: ${value}`))

// Resolved 10 (after 1 second)