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Discussions on Blogger Random – Recent – Specific Label Posts Widget V1.6 – All in One Post Feed Widget

We have 253 Discussions on Blogger Random – Recent – Specific Label Posts Widget V1.6 – All in One Post Feed Widget

  • Roberto Madeira

    tien, how do I apply css on each wigdet individualemente without affecting the other, what should I change?

  • Roberto Madeira


  • Tien Nguyen

    Each widget has an ID, you must select that ID for your specific element inside the widget.

  • Tien Nguyen

    "otherdomain" is only example, you must replace with the domain you want to pull the feed.

  • Roberto Madeira

    I put http://otherdomain.com literally? or blog domain that I want to pull the threads? I put "http://otherdomain.com" and is not working!

  • Tien Nguyen

    Edit the widget that you added to your blog, you will see a code like below

    var HOST = '';

    change it to
    var HOST = 'http://otherdomain.com';

    Save the widget and enjoy.

  • Roberto Madeira

    how do you use a feed of a different blog? I've tried and I could not!

  • Tien Nguyen

    Ok, I will consider for this.

  • kareem Jabbar

    hiii tienn . i love ur widget, but can u do a horizontal version of this? u ll make me so happy. ;-)

  • Tien Nguyen

    You can see they have src with s72-c, you must replace to s1600 for full image. Use jquery to do that. I am not available to do that, please try our services: http://www.sneeit.com/p/services.html

  • Chris Charles

    Thanks again, Tien! Now, I'll need to try figure out how to make the thumbnails clear, because they're now blurry, since I enlarged them.

  • Tien Nguyen

    Hi. Please check if your blog is private or not. Or can you show me the URL that contains random widget, I will take a look.

  • Periklis Didaskalou

    Hi Great widget.... Random is not working only latest posts...

  • Tien Nguyen

    This CSS will help:
    .bcd140526_post_feed .item-body {
    float: left;
    width: 520px;

  • Chris Charles

    Tien, if I wanted to put the items in one column and enlarge the thumbs (like I have now), how can I get the snippet text to wrap around the thumbs?


  • Tien Nguyen

    So sorry, but this widget not support pagination.

  • Tien Nguyen

    Can you explain more?

  • Abdul Khan

    How can i use this widget on home page with specific label + all post from that specific label with showing 7 posts per page with adding pages at the bottom of home page like( 1 2 3 4 >) to see further posts from that specific label? Thanks

  • Chris Charles

    Ahh, got it fixed now. Thank you so much for your support, Tien and for creating such a great widget!

  • kareem Jabbar

    hi Tien, u r work is great, how can i change image size il LIST MODE ? thanx alot

  • Tien Nguyen

    You add in a wrong place, you must add after a }, not before one.

  • Chris Charles

    No that didn't work. Anything I can try to tweak?

  • Tien Nguyen

    You can try below CSS:
    .bcd140526_post_feed ul {
    margin: 0!important;

    .bcd140526_post_feed li.item {
    padding: 0 10px 20px 0!important;

  • Chris Charles

    I got two of them side-by-side at my site and they look great! Just one small issue. As you can see, the top entries in the columns are wide left. How can I correct this?


  • Sandra Freitas

    It was so easy. You are awesome!! The best.
    Cheers from Brazil.

  • Tien Nguyen

    Each widget will be wrapped by a div with class .bcd140526_post_feed
    You just need to replace all name of that class to another the class. Example, with the second widget, you can replace all "bcd140526_post_feed" string to "bcd140526_post_feed_me"

  • Tien Nguyen

    You can add 1 widget for each label

  • Bikiran Simkhada

    Hi Tien,

    This widget is working perfectly on my blog. I wanted to use more widgets (recent, random, different labels) because it has more customization features. But it conflicts - only the CSS overrides. I've used customized CSS for different widgets. Can you help me please.
    URL: http://www.nepalijournal.net/

  • Periklis Didaskalou

    hello how we can add 2 or 3 labels????

  • BB Admin


  • Tien Nguyen

    Hi. I check your site and see you have javascript error:
    Uncaught ReferenceError: showrecentpostswiththumbs is not defined
    You must remove this error to make the site work with other javascript scripts.

  • BB Admin

    not working here http://crazytuk.blogspot.in

  • Lunavocy

    Many thanks!

  • Jichangwook ID

    Thank you very much Tien Nguyen! It works now!! :)

  • Tien Nguyen

    Hi Ji,

    This problem is because your template css affect the css of the widget.
    So, just add below css into advance css:

    .bcd140526_post_feed li.item.item-1 {
    background: none;
    color: #888;

    About advance css: http://bloggercando.blogspot.com/2014/05/add-custom-css-into-blogger-template.html

  • Jichangwook ID

    Hello, my recent post widget has small glitch

    The second post always show up with black background, while others are in white. Can you tell me what I should do?

  • Rahul Das


    Thank you so much, Tien! :)

  • Tien Nguyen

    Hi Rahul, you can try to add the below code again

    .bcd140526_post_feed li.item .item-body a {
    white-space: normal!important;

  • Rahul Das

    It is staying in the same line, but the entire text is not being displayed. Instead of moving the rest of the text to the next line, it is not being displayed at all.

    Kindly have a look at the site again, Tien. Thanks a lot..


  • Tien Nguyen

    But I can see it's working now. You title is now staying the same line with thumbnail.

  • Rahul Das

    Still not getting it, Tien :(

  • Tien Nguyen

    Hi Rahul. Sorry, I forgot telling you that you must remove my previous CSS before apply my new CSS

  • Rahul Das

    Tried it. There's just another issue now.
    The text exceeds the frame and doesn't come onto the next line. It basically cannot be seen.

    Here's the link to my blog. Could you have a look at what I mean?


  • Tien Nguyen

    Hi Rahul. This css will help you:

    .bcd140526_post_feed .item-body {
    margin-left: 90px;

  • Rahul Das

    Oh! Btw! Tien! I just realized what the real problem is..

    If the number of characters in the title of the post exceeds a certain value, it gets pushed to below the post instead of next to it..

    Could you solve this problem please?

    I actually wanted this widget to look just like the "Popular Posts" on my page.

  • Tien Nguyen

    Protect our copyright.

  • CybeR r

    why javascript code encoding ?

  • Fynn Weasley

    Thanks, it works well for me!

  • Tien Nguyen

    The widget is for sidebar column which has small width, your main sidebar has very big width so it's not suitable for this widget. But I will improve this widget soon to display better images for Column style. Thanks.

  • GabZero

    Hello! This widget is amazing, thank you very much, but I really need your help.

    I want the thumbnails to be bigger, but the image quality really sucks when I do that. The blog is: http://www.arenahots.com.br/

    If possible, I would like to leave your widget like this one seen here: http://arenahotsteste2015.blogspot.com.br/

    Is it possible?

    Thank you very much!